Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Before this class ive probably read a total of 4 books, and those books were manditory for class in highschool. I really dont have any relationships with books because I personaly think reading is boring. I know reading is suppose to make you better writer, and enhance your vocabulary, but I cant bring myself to ever sit down and read one unless its homework. I like to write though, I love to brainstorm and writing everything thats on my mind, and transfer it onto paper. I think I have a unique mind when it comes to writing because when ever I an idea about something, it seems like my imagination is endless. When I write, I can express any kind of emotion or thought I have inside and talk about it forever.

Question for Reflection& Writing "The Lonely, Good Company of Books".

Im not really big on reading, I dont like to read in my spare time. The only time I read is when its manditory. I have an imagination when It comes to reading. I just cant sit still for a long time without zoning out. My parents are similar to Rodriguez's parents in the essay. They didnt make me read, nor did the read a lot themselves besides what came in the mail or the newspaper. I think if my parents would of made me read when I was younger, I would be more enthused about reading books. Like Rodriguez, I too did not like to read in school. Over time, Rodriguez over came his hatered for book and became in love with reading. On the other hand, I never became a lover of books, and I dont think I ever will.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Experiences wit reading and writing.

Before the coarse i anticipated that I was going to be doing the same kind a work i was doing last semester in my ENG 100 class. I as a reader and a writer have  extended my vocabulary, Im a better writer when it comes to grammer and run on sentence. I plan to read more so i can extend my vocabulary a little more.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Citation(s) to the essay you are including in Task Three

Botstein, Leon "Let Teen-Agers Try Adult hood" Introduction to college Writing. New York
The Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 2010 (205-207). Print

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Analazye to "In Praise of the F Word

I think the story "In Praise of the F Word" is a good story because it kind of relates to the school i went to, when lived in Kansas City. I also thought that teacher was rude for say "I don't move seniors", "I flunk them", but then again the teacher was right. Her son is not a little kid therfore he shouldnt be treated like one.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Response to one Question/ Kozol's " Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools"

Why did you decide to come to college?
I decided to come to college because I wanted to take my education to the next level. Receiving an education means more money in the future, at least thats what I think. Another reason why I came to college is because I want  to do something with my life instead of having a low-paying, non statisfying job.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Questions For Reading and Writing. "Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood"

Analyze Botstein's proposal for restructuring American high schools.  Has he anicipated all of the objections you can think of? If not, what has he missed? How feasible does his solution seem to you?

I dont think Botein's propoal fro restructuring high schools isnt feasible at all. I dont think that 6th and 7th graders should be able to go high school after that grade level because,  I dont believe their brains are  developed well enough do understand some of the complex work that comes with high school. Another reason why I dont think kids should be graduating high school at 16 because, I dont think their mature enough to handle college or work next adults in the working field.